June 14, 2012

Spotlight on Minerals

Cape Cod Braces recognizes that a healthy mouth has its foundations in a healthy person. Nutrition is an important way to keep your body strong at any age. We all know “you are what you eat” and your teeth are no different. Studies show that dairy can improve periodontal health. The mineral, Calcium helps improve bone strength, but it also is closely linked with dental health. Dairy such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese all count toward your intake of calcium. Softer cheeses are full of protein and won’t have a detrimental impact on appliances. Foods that contain Calcium but are not dairy based include kale, broccoli or tofu.If you are concerned about your waistline try to choose low-fat options and be sure to review any significant dietary changes with your doctor. 

Here are a few of our staff’s favorite snacks:
         Low Fat Mozzarella and Cherry Tomatoes
         Ricotta Cheese with Fresh Raspberries or Bananas
         Steamed broccoli with Yogurt Dip

June 6, 2012

Dr Pautienis' nieces are helping Mayor Menino!

Get Moving!
Massachusetts is trying to get Boston to become the "Healthiest City in America". The city is offering free yoga and outdoor bootcamps for June and July, to help the state walk a million miles and loose a million pounds! The initiative is called "Get Boston Moving". Dr Pautienis nieces are the front-line yoga teachers for this initiative, and will be offering yoga classes on City Hall Plaza; here they are featured with Mayor Menino on the opening day. 

                                 R-L: Sigita, Aida, Mayor Menino, Emilija, Daniel and Vyda