March 13, 2013

When the braces come off…

Because of their benefit and the fact that they have become a common experience, having braces put onto teeth is not as dramatic as it was.  If you have ever worn braces yourself, you will recall the many sensations that happened as your teeth shifted into alignment. Today, we want to acknowledge the moment when the braces come off… flossing becomes a much quicker tasks, buying a pack of chewing gum is no longer a no-no and yes, walnuts on top of that Ice Cream Sundae.  But you may notice, for the first few weeks, nuts and harder foods are still perhaps more than you can chew (pun intended!).  Teeth after any kind of dental work, including orthodontics, will remain a bit sensitive – this is normal! There will be an initial settling in period when your teeth will settle into what becomes your more permanent smile. Just be sure to keep regular orthodontic check-ups after the braces are off, because other appliances like retainers will be paramount in keeping everything in line. During the settling-in phase after braces, think about alternative food choices that will not be as taxing for your teeth. Some suggestions would include replacing oatmeal for hard cereals, scrambled instead of fried eggs, rice instead of toast, yoghurt as opposed to Popsicles. You obviously will no longer have the risk of a bracket breaking off, but like other parts of the skeletal system, teeth can break and chip too, so be cognizant of the what you bite (like absolutely NO pen caps!! EVER). But go on, celebrate and smile wide when those braces are off! Cape Cod Braces is just as happy as our patients when the treatment is finished – a good job is rewarding for all!